Management & Supervisors Awareness
Target Group
This course is aimed at Supervisors and Managers of activities involving the use of work equipment (as defined in the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) plus Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Staff and Environmental Health Officers.
To provide the theoretical and practical knowledge to recognise, prevent and correct unsafe practice in the use of work equipment.
An average of twenty-five to thirty individuals are killed each year in the UK resulting from the incorrect use of work equipment, along with large numbers of injuries (lost working days), plus plant and product damage running into six figures.
Training Arrangements
Maximum of six candidates on a two day course – with seven hours each day.
Content Specification
- Induction
- Overview of the programme and domestic arrangements
- Individual introductions
- Current statistics relating to : deaths, injuries, near misses, plant, and product damage, plus the main causes of accidents.
- Current related Legislation and Related information
- Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA 1974 – particularly sufficient information, training, instruction and supervision
- Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 – Particularly regulation 9
- Workplace transport regulations
- HSC’s “Preventing Workplace Transport Accidents”
- Recognised Accrediting Bodies
- Safe Working Practice for Fork Lift Trucks
- Approved Code of Practice (ACoP L117)
- Main types and classification of trucks (Industrial Truck Group list)
- Select of lift truck operators
- Training and testing of lift truck operators; basic, familiarisation, specific and retraining
- Layout and maintenance of working (including battery charging) and parking areas
- Protection of Personnel
- Basic engineering principles; stability, rated capacity and attachments, chains, slings, etc.
- Operator practice for:
Using racking and bulk stacking or specific work activities (cranes etc)
Speed, turning and stopping
Slopes, ramps, gutters and uneven ground
Loading and unloading lorries
Recharging and refuelling
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and precautions
- Pre-use checks, features, conditions, records (truck “logbook”), reporting and action.
- Test Administration
- Respond to written test with minimum of 80% correct
Ten safety questions
Ten operating questions
Five work related (management of work equipment operations)
- Respond to written test for Supervisors
- Ten Health and Safety questions
- Five Management of lift truck operations (HSG(6) and ACoP) questions
- Ten PUWER and LOLER questions
- Pre-use check (as for operators)
Inspection of working parts; fork arms, mast, load chains, locking devices and any attachments
Check function of all motive and loading controls
Check and adjust, if necessary, fuel, battery, oil, coolant levels
Check for leaks of fluid and condition/security of couplings, pipes and caps
Check wheels for:condition of tyres (include pressure where applicable) and security of wheel nuts
Check horn, gauges, instruments and lights are functioning
Check steering, braking mechanisms are functioning
Inspect cleanliness of cab area and clean if needed
Record results, reporting procedure and action
Potential Benefits
- Improved efficiency
- Lower insurance premiums
- Accident and near miss reduction
- Minimise damage
- Continues professional development
- Reduced maintenance costs
- A safer working environment