Course Syllabus
Overhead Gantry Crane Attachments
Duration : 2 x half day
Ratio : 1 Crane: up to 4 Trainees : 1 Instructor for each session
NOTE: To carry out training on attachments for gantry cranes, the operators must be in possession of current certificate for operation of crane, otherwise it will be 4 trainees per day instead of 4 trainees per session.
1. Aim
To train novice or qualified operators in the safe handling of the crane attachments.
2. Elements
Operators will receive Crane Attachment training on the following elements: –
2.1 Their responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
2.2 Safety rules, LOLER & PUWER regulations.
2.3 Pre-shift checks.
2.4 Basic training.
2.5 Statutory requirements
3. Knowledge
On completion of Crane Attachment training, operators will have an understanding of:-
3.1 Their responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act.
3.2 Safety rules, LOLER & PUWER regulations.
3.3 The importance of pre-shift checks.
3.4 Statutory requirements
4. Skills
On completion of Crane Attachment training, operators will be able to carry out the following to the required standard: –
4.1 Pre-shift checks.
4.2 Start, stop procedures.
4.3 Correct method of attaching attachment to crane.
4.4 Correct use of any controls on attachment
4.5 Use of attachment for its specific use
4.6 Use of hand signals in accordance with BS7121 Part 1 2006
4.7 Carry out normal work tasks safely and efficiently.