Course Syllabus
Tandem Vibratory Roller
(relevant to both earthworks and asphalt applications)
3 Novice Operators – 3 days
1 or 2 Novice Operators – 2 days
Experienced – 2 days
Refresher – 1 day
Definition: Experienced = Operators with approx 6 months experience but no certificate
Ratio: 3 Operators : 1 Instructor : 1 Vehicle
1. AIM
To provide the theoretical and practical knowledge to safely operate a tandem roller for earthworks and/or asphalt applications.
The course will comprise of theoretical and practical instruction covering the following:
2.1 Responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) and PUWER (1998)
2.2 Safe operator practices (company mobile plant rules if on customer premises), including evasive action/roll-over measures
2.3 Daily and weekly maintenance schedules
2.4 Identification of components and pre-use checks
2.5 Start-up procedures
2.6 Factors affecting stability
2.7 Motive and hydraulic controls/introduction to all controls and gauges
2.8 Manoeuvring in open and confined spaces
2.9 Travelling over different types of terrain
2.10 Compaction techniques, principles of rolling
2.11 Rolling to a kerb, a camber, around curves, different formation shapes and unsupported edges
2.12 Adjustments to operating systems with regards to weight, impact force, amplitude and frequency
2.13 Transverse and longitudinal joints
2.14 Operating on footpaths and inclines
2.15 Use of attachments such as asphalt cutter
2.16 Re-fuelling procedures
2.17 Parking and post-stop checks
2.18 Travelling on public highway
2.19 Loading and unloading from a transporter
On successful completion of training candidates will have a theoretical understanding on the importance of the following:
3.1 The need to train and statuary requirements
3.2 Understanding machine stability and limitations
3.3 Causes of accidents; risks associated with mobile plant
3.4 Safe operator practices
3.5 Pre-use checks, start-up procedures and safety checks
3.6 Daily and weekly maintenance requirements
3.7 Rolling techniques/compaction principles (rolling pattern, sequence and number of passes to meet job requirements – weight, impact forces and vibration response)
3.8 Working with different material types
3.9 Working near unsupported edges and operating on inclines
3.10 Use of attachments (where applicable)
3.11 Safe parking, re-fuelling and post-stop checks
3.12 Safe loading and unloading procedures from a transporter
On successful completion of training the candidate will have demonstrated to a basic operational standard of the following:
4.1 Pre-use safety checks and start-up procedures
4.2 The ability to manoeuvre and operate the vehicle correctly within the manufacturer’s recommendations and to the operator’s safety code
4.3 Travel safely about site and on the public highway
4.4 Uniformly compact material types to instruction
4.5 Compact accurately along kerb-lines, around curves and obstructions
4.6 Roll both transverse and longitudinal joints
4.7 Compact and maintain cambers
4.8 Operate safely on footpaths
4.9 Correctly use any attachments
4.10 Correctly park, shut-down and secure the vehicle
4.11 Safely load and unload from a transporter (where applicable)
4.12 Carry out a post-stop inspection